Every once in a while I’ll hear a song on the radio that catches my ear (not my eye), and I’ll listen intently. Most other music goes through one ear and out the other—just as many other things do especially as I get older. Every once in a while, when I view one of God’s creations that brightens my life, I think of that song and I will sing the only line I can remember. ‘Everything is beautiful in its own way.’ The pitch and the tune may not be exactly on but anyone who may be listening could probably recognize the song that I am attempting to sing.
I have always appreciated the beauty of the universe and more especially the world we live on. The beautiful pictures transmitted to earth from the Hubble Telescope of the universe are awe inspiring. Those taken of our little planet earth from the space station bring tears to my eyes. Why? Because I know that a loving Heavenly Father created it just for us to dwell on while we learn and grow, as He would have us do, during this phase of our eternal educational progress.
As I view the universe, I sometimes wonder how anyone could believe that it all happened by chance. The ‘Big Bang’ theory sounds like it must have come from someone who spent too much time as a youth playing with firecrackers, not from anyone with common sense and a heart in the middle of it. I can just see Heavenly Father twinge every time He hears one of His bright children espouse the “Big Bang” theory, as if he knew what he was talking about. The concept seems so far out to those who think it is ‘mumbo jumbo.’ I was watching a Mike Huckabee show on television one night. He had a guest who would make fun of various politicians by talking about their politics and using words that made sense along with words that didn’t make any sense. It was hilarious, yet really no more than mumbo jumbo, but it was done with a straight face. To me that is how I place theorists who think they have a clue about how the universe came about. Their theories, by leaving God out of the mix, leave only chaos, a mass of heavenly bodies with only gravity in control. Take away the controlling figure (God) and the universe can be a very frightening thought.
God, who is the most intelligent, the most fair, and the most ‘just’ being in the universe, has the respect and the honor of all other intelligences, including man (except for a few theorists). Every particle, from the smallest to the largest, has intelligence. They all recognize God and obey Him because of that trust. That is why He was able to organize the elements by the word of His mouth, thereby creating our world and all other heavenly bodies.
He did so in such a way as to maintain their gravitational position in space. “For behold, by the power of his word man came upon the face of the earth, which earth was created by the power of his word. Wherefore, if God being able to speak and the world was, and to speak and man was created, O then, why not able to command the earth, or the workmanship of his hands upon the face of it, according to his will and pleasure? ( Jacob 4:9) One day we will all know, in detail, exactly how He did it. In the meantime, we should not try to outguess Him, for that is little more than folly and a waste of time. But, I digress, to mention the ‘Big Bang’ mumbo jumbo detracts from our thoughts of the universe’s beauty and its glorious order. Even the desolate places in the universe and those on this earth have beauty and the species of plants and animals living there make us wonder how they survive in such harsh conditions. I believe they survive because they were given the ‘tools’ to do so when they were created. Charles Darwin got more things right than many of us would want to admit or give him credit for. There was a God-given ability for His creatures to adapt. If it were not so, many more would have perished as we know that some have.
Never a night passes without my wife and I kneeling beside our bed and thanking Heavenly Father, not only for His greatness, but also for His having created this beautiful earth. It was created for we, His children, whom we know are precious in His sight. Next to Him we are inherently more intelligent than all other creatures on earth and in His universe.
Think of the tune as you read parts of Ray Steven’s song: “Jesus loves the little children, All the little children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, They are precious in his sight… Everything is beautiful in its own way.” Like the starry summer night, or a snow-covered winter’s day. And everybody’s beautiful in their own way. Under God’s heaven, the world’s gonna find the way. There is none so blind as he who will not see. We must not close our minds; we must let our thoughts be free… And everything is beautiful in its own way…We shouldn’t care about the length of his hair, or the color of his skin. Don’t worry about what shows from without, but the love that lives within. And we’re gonna get it all together now; everything’s gonna work out fine. Just take a little time to look on the good side my friend, And straighten it out in your mind. And everything is beautiful in its own way. Everybody’s beautiful in their own way. (Ray Stevens)
Yes Ray, You are so right, everything is beautiful in its very own way. All we have to do is look and we will see for ourselves. ‘Everything is beautiful!’