I am often amazed at the capacity of the human mind. If a human can think it, a human can do it, with few exceptions. The most interesting thing about that thought is the converse.
Just because you can think it, doesn’t mean that you have to or should do it. Most everything that I have done in my life was first a dream, and once in a while, it was a nightmare. I venture to say that that is a true statement for most people. The brief thought that was penned below is beautiful and touches on so many truths. You can’t just read it once and truly understand it, but you must let each verse ricochet around in your head for awhile. If you will spend some time digesting it, you will say, as did I, “That is beautiful.” It is titled “Daydreams,” and the author is unknown. It goes as follows:
“If thoughts could paint pictures that words dare not speak, and daydreams built castles of that which we seek.
Then artists and architects all would we be,
Our hearts would be open, our minds would be free.
I’d build you a castle as daydreams unfold, Revealing the feelings I secretly hold,
I’d paint you a picture of words left unsaid,
And feelings of closeness to which they have led.
But pictures are thoughts that so rarely are told, For fear of appearing too forward and bold.
And castles are built in the daydreamer’ heart,
A lifetime of wishes still lifetimes apart. And yet we are richer for all that we feel, No matter how abstract, no matter how real,
For joy is a picture we paint in our minds,
And love is the castle our hearts hope to find.” (Anon)
I believe anyone who reads that could possibly interpret it differently, but to me it portrays our eternal sojourn, our dreams and our life. Our minds are fluid and they are essentially us.
According to a revelation given to Abraham, we started out as intelligent matter, and we do not know what that looked like, or felt like. There was first a spiritual creation of all things, a time when our spirits were created by our Father—a spirit body to house the intelligent matter. Our spirit body experienced the pre-earth life in a spiritual sphere where God dwells.
The Plan of Salvation, His “plan” for us, His children, did not begin when it was presented to us before we came to earth. Like the Father, the plan probably is and was without beginning of days or end of years. As spirits were progressing in that sphere; there was opposition that forced us to make choices there very much as we do here. Without opposition, there is no growth. We were preparing and maturing for the next step in our process of maturation. The intelligent matter that we are created from needed that spirit body to learn of spiritual things in the presence of the Father. We grew and matured there, and in order to move on and to follow the plan, we needed a physical body to learn of and experience the physical universe. A body of flesh and bone was needed to house the mature spirit. Neither the spirit body nor the physical body could have existed without the intelligent matter that provides it life and the power to think and to dream. The intelligent matter is that which makes the combination of spirit and physical body come alive. Our individual intelligent matter is not in any way comparable to that which the Father has, for He is the most intelligent of all. The thoughts that were so beautifully expressed in the poem above are thoughts of intelligent matter, intelligent matter housed in clay as it interacts with and experiences this world. I believe that describes for us what makes the eventual, but temporary, death of the physical body inconsequential. Because that intelligent matter, after having experienced both a spiritual and physical maturation, can now understand the process and the law of eternal progress and the of law of justice which monitors it. That is the Law of the Universe that the Father has to abide by to bring about His work, which is His glory. The intelligent matter could not feel or experience the physical world without either of the two bodies that housed it during its sojourn on earth. Having done so, those experiences provided the intelligent matter with the necessary knowledge, spiritual, physical and emotional experiences that its senses needed in order to prepare and yearn for the time of the resurrection. That time when it will be reunited with the physical body and be transformed to a state of immortality and eternal life.
All the intelligences in the universe elected our Father to be the God of the universe because of His greater intelligence and “just” and holy characteristics. Therefore, His children cannot be treated partially; they have to account for their actions while they sojourned here on earth. Because of the nature of the opposition here on earth, not all of His children have been given an equal opportunity to know and understand His plan and their purposefor being on earth. Therefore the period of waiting after death, again in our spirit state, is for them to be taught and given an opportunity to accept the Father’s plan. Meanwhile, temple work will be completed on earth for those who were not endowed; it will be done by their descendents. Therefore, not only is justice provided for all of His children, but all of the universal intelligences can recognize that the Father has performed justly for all. After the resurrection, the Father’s great plan will go on and on through all eons of time. Our bodies will be immortal, meaning they will no longer be subject to death. We will continue to learn and to advance until we become perfect, “even as the Father is perfect.” Perfection, however, is a relative term. Our individual perfection will be based or limited to those talents or that share of intelligent matter that we were born or created with. The parable of the talents describes each level of perfection that we can attain unto based on the talents we started out with and very importantly, what we have done with those talents.
I am relatively sure that the unknown author of that short poem, did not read into it the emotion I felt as I read it. But for me, it represents the tinder that started my fire glowing.
God bless us to always love and appreciate our Father and His love for us, His children. It is obvious to me that He is constantly rooting for us, but the nature of the universal law of justice will not allow Him to interfere or interject His influence, there are no exceptions.