The position of one’s head is a sign, an indicator as how a person might be feeling, or how they are doing. When a person is out on the golf course and it his turn to tee off, to get a good swing at the ball the person had best keep his head down and his eye on the ball. When we are sad for whatever reason we tend to hang our heads down. Losing a loved one or a good friend, an important game, losing a job or having a personal discussion with God tends to cause us to hang our heads. Hanging one’s head is a sign of humility, of sadness and loss. “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.” —C. S. Lewis
But not always. On the other hand when we or a loved one has completed their education and are now walking across the stage to receive a diploma, that is a time to hold our heads up high. When we walk our daughter down the aisle to stand next to her betrothed, that is a time to hold our head up high. A veteran during a military event, is a time to be proud of yourself and all of the others who have also served. It is also a time to be proud of this great country we live in and the flag that flies so proudly. The position of the head plus the expression on one’s face tells a lot about a person’s current thought and circumstances. The following poem titled ‘Hold Your Head High’ describes several reasons to hold one’s head high:
1.“Standing for what you believe in regardless of the odds against you, and the pressure that tears at your resistance…is courage.
2. Keeping a smile on your face when inside you feel like dying, for the sake of supporting others…is strength.
3. Stopping at nothing and doing what’s in your heart that you know is right…is determination.
4. Doing more than is expected, to make another’s life a little more bearable, without uttering a single complaint…is compassion.
5. Helping a friend in need, no matter the time or effort, to the best of your ability…is loyalty.
6. Holding your head high and being the best you know you can be when life seems to fall apart at your feet.
7. Facing each difficulty with the confidence that time will bring you better tomorrows, and never giving up…is confidence.
8. Hold your head up high and make your life proud every day.”
There are many things that can tell an observant person a lot about how another is feeling, the position of the head is just one of them. To be able to read your family and friends well enough to be of help to them when they are struggling is actually just being a good friend or loved one.
While in the army, I was an M.P. (Military Policeman) stationed at the Presidio in San Francisco, California. The Presidio was the Sixth Army Headquarters and as such it was a military base, as well as a showplace for visiting dignitaries. There was a parade planned for every Friday afternoon and of course the Military Police Battalion were the main part of the show. We could never get out of the parade unless scheduled to be on patrol. We were always sharp looking with our brass and leather all polished. We had white helmets, white spats on our boots and white belts. We stood straight and we did look sharp. As we marched, we were to hold our heads up with our chins tucked in to designate our pride in the service. In parades we carried M1 rifles but on duty we only carried 45 caliber pistols. There is something about white helmets, on heads held high and rifles evenly shouldered that makes a parade, a parade. Sometimes when we are feeling down, just holding our head up high and throwing our shoulders back will change our whole attitude and life will be good. Mental attitude has been proven to be affected by our physical stance and the way we hold our heads. May God bless us to develop a positive physical stance as well as a positive attitude to make our lives positive and happy. “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.” —C. S. Lewis