A little girl came running out of the house to where her daddy was working in the yard and ask him, “Daddy what’s sex?” Even though she was rather young to be asking a question like that, he thought, well, if she’s asking the question she must be ready to learn something about it. So he commenced to tell her that that is how she came to be etc. Before he got too far along, she stopped him and said, “No, I mean what did momma mean, when she said, ‘Tell daddy that dinner will be ready in just a few ‘secs’. I don’t know what ‘secs’ are”. For as long as I can remember the reference to learning about sex was to explain about the ‘birds and the bees’. However, the true story about the birds and the bees is about agriculture and how things grow, not about sex. Bees, as well as birds, especially hummingbirds, pollinate fruit trees, plus many other primary vegetable crops that are staple foods we eat every day. Without that natural process of pollination, those fruits and vegetables that are dependent on pollination (sex) would not mature and we would not have those delicious fruits and many vegetables to eat and that we, quite frankly, take for granted. We would, by necessity, become carnivorous, because all that we would have available to eat would be animal products.
Recently the local evening news included a story of a man who drove his pickup truck off the highway onto a farmers access road, then into his field where the driver commenced to run over the farmer’s beehives. The white bee hives were all broken up and the bees were killed or scattered. It literally destroyed the man’s business, plus more. While interviewing the owner he described why the disaster will be devastating for crops in the area. His bees were the primary pollinating bees for all of the local fruit trees, plus many other primary crops. Yes! There are other beehives but these particular hives were essential pollinators for a large tract of agricultural land in our specific area. Therefore this act of vandalism was not only devastating for the hive owner but it will also affect the very source of food that many of us depend on for this coming year. Most people have no idea just how important bees are and how we depend primarily on them for annual crop production. Hummingbirds will help but bees are primary. Was the driver aware of this? Or, was he just a stupid vandal? We can all wonder in vain as to what his motivation was but it would not change the circumstances. Hopefully, the owner of those hives will be able to rebuild his hives and start a new colony before too much time goes by.
We should all consider nature and how the world fits together as a whole. We all have a purpose for being, to make the world work the way that it does. There is a scripture that talks about the various parts of the human body, how the arm cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of thee”, nor can the leg say to the foot, “I have no need of thee”, etc. because each part is needed in order for the whole to work. So, too, is the world, and so, too, is the universe. In the “Pearl of Great Price”, a revelatory scripture to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we learn that the planets have been placed, by God, in positions to bring order. The largest in size controls, via gravity, the smaller ones, etc. and thus all serve to bring order to the whole. Even the smallest drop of pollen can’t say to the bee, “I have no need of thee” and the bee can’t say to the pollen I have no need of thee. Each has value, primarily because of the other. May God bless us all to come to that universal understanding of life, nature and universal laws.