There are some who would have me believe that I am no more than a few cents worth of various chemicals. There are others who would place a much higher value on me. They would tell me that I am, ‘a son of God’. He who is the creator of this whole universe, who commissioned His first born to create all things. After the planet earth was finished and furnished, it was ready for us, God’s offspring, His most important and significant creations. We were formed, spiritually, in his very own image. That means that I can look into a mirror and seeing myself, I can also know what the creator looks like. God, the Father of us all, looks like you and me. Our physical bodies look exactly as our spirits and our spirits were made in His image. There was also a purpose and a plan for all that creating. To understand the plan we have to understand the purpose. Yes! As intelligent matter, what form were we in? We have no idea, at least in that stage of our development, but maybe someday we will.
We, at that point, were as advanced as we could become in that spiritual realm, not being able, or having the capacity to feel or experience the physical universe. Too, we could not be challenged, or tempted, as physical beings can. We could not experience opposition and make choices that would cause us to grow. It all started relatively simple, Adam and Eve, the two first created were the most faithful and perfect in that spiritual realm. They were formed physically to appear exactly like their spirits had looked. They were given, after a period of training, the power to procreate to begin populating the earth. That process is how the spirits were formed in the pre-earth existence and was now brought to this earth. We are to grow and develop our talents while here and to strive to live according to the law, the plan, and to live worthy to return to the Father after we pass away or when our turn to experience earth is over.
Who else or what else might I be? Years ago, I came across this little book that was written by a philosopher by the name of James Allen. It was titled, “The Face of Prosperity”. In one place he stated: “… that everything that I positively know is contained in my own experience; and so becomes a part of myself. My thoughts, desires, and aspirations comprises my world. To me, all that there is in the universe of beauty, joy and bliss, or of ugliness, sorrow and pain, is contained within myself” He said that; “By my own thoughts I make or mar my life, my world, my universe. As I build myself from within by the power of thought, so will my outward life and circumstances shape themselves accordingly.” He supports that concept by adding; “Believe in yourself- first and foremost! What you believe yourself to be, you are. The attitudes you transmit to others will tell more about yourself than the words you say or how you look. Enthusiasm comes from within. You can generate enthusiasm by your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.”
We must have control over what thoughts we will allow to enter our minds. I do not know how much influence James Allen or any of the other philosophers have had on my life, back then, but I do know that I came to realize the power of thought. I have come to understand that the more positive I am about myself and the more positive I am about things around me, the more power I have in directing myself and my life, in general. After learning the power of my thoughts, positive things, outside of myself, began happening to me. I grew spiritually by accepting the Book of Mormon. A book that came into my life rather miraculously, soon after that. I began to realize how important education was and how it could help me live and make a better life for myself and family. Through the scriptures, both ancient, modern and revealed, I came to realize that I was, in fact, a son of God, and that I had great value. To prove that He valued me, He was willing to sacrifice His First born, brightest, and beloved son, so that when my time on earth comes to an end, I could return to Him, My Eternal Father. Because, I too, am His son. That’s who I am, His son! How about you? Who are you?