A pleasing personality is the aggregate of all the agreeable, gratifying, and likable qualities of any one individual. Believe in yourself-first and foremost! What you believe yourself to be, you are or you will become. The attitudes you transmit to others will tell more about yourself than the words you say or how you look. Enthusiasm comes from within. You can generate enthusiasm by positive thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Who would not want a pleasing personality? Such a one is usually picked first by others, is on all the best teams, is called upon to chair the committee, is president of the class, etc. You may say, well, I don’t want to do any of those things. With a pleasing personality you can decline without offending anyone. Don’t you see? With a pleasing personality you will be able to accept or reject the opportunities that come your way, and those opportunities will come your way much more often.
Some say that people with pleasing personalities were born that way. They emerged from the womb with a smile on their face. Others say that they were nurtured by an angel from the time they could walk and they were taught love and compassion at the same time. They didn’t have to be told to clean their room, they never got it dirty. In reality, a pleasing personality is a result of, or factor of both ‘nature and nurture’. Nature is the baby’s disposition after he/she has left the womb. Some are crying and cross from the beginning, while others seem happy and adjust to their new environment. They enjoy their milk whether from their mother’s breast or from a bottle. As little babies they seem to accept and adjust to new things being introduced to them without too much complaint or fanfare.
Nurture, on the other hand, is the influence of their environment; how they are loved and/or treated as a child. They won’t feel that they have to get angry and express their discontent by demanding their rights and needs for everything that they get. Their environment (nurture) is saying to them, you do not have to fight me for everything you need.
A pleasing personality is molded by both ‘nature’, (come about, naturally) and ‘nurture’, the effects of the child’s environment. Those two combined usually make up who and what type of personality a child will grow up having and living with the rest of their lives. The problem is that people, in general, can do little about either one. Science has not yet learned how to tweak nature to change an embryos nature, nor are most parents aware of how important nurture is, or what a powerful influence a child’s environment can be.
A ‘pleasing personality’ is currently, the luck of the draw! Unless a person realizes after they are mature that they can tweak their own way of seeing things and change their personality themselves. I know that can be done, I have seen it happen.