This brief summary of the terrible state of the Palestinian region is from my head and surely not accurate but rather based purely on what I have read and heard on TV. etc. The History of Israel begins with Abraham who was born sometime around 2050 B.C. Abraham was a man of great wealth. Great wealth, in his day, consisted of the number of animals a person owned and the land that they had to graze on and the number of herdsmen to control them. Abraham was also a man of great faith; a man who loved God and desired to do all things he was commanded to do. Abraham was given one of the greatest tests of all to prove his loyalty to and love of God, his challenge was to sacrifice his only begotten son, Issac. This challenge was similar to Our father’s sacrifice of His only begotten son, Jesus Christ. Abraham passed the test and because of his great faith in God he was given a special promise, a promise that would affect all people who descended from him as well as all those who are adopted in by virtue of being committed to Jesus Christ in our day. It’s called the Abrahamic Covenant. Abraham’s son, Isaac, had a son named Jacob whose name was changed to ‘Israel’ because of his great faith. Israel meaning ‘Prince of God’. Joseph, one of Israel’s twelve sons, was sold into Egypt and became a great ruler under the Pharaoh, at that time. After Joseph’s death and the population growth of the Israeli people as well as being and being overwhelmed by their great number, the Israelites were forced to become slaves to the Egyptian people.
Even today, Israel is in the news, usually in terms of being derided by ‘Anti-Semitism’ or ‘Anti-Jewish’ sentiment. The relatively small area, referred to on the map as Palestine, currently includes both Israel and the area referred to as Palestine. The people living in that comparatively tiny space are identified as Palestinians. There is more hatred and fighting over that little piece of land, the peninsula called Palestine, than most anywhere else in the world. The Jewish people were granted a part of it in 1948 after the second world war by the World Peace Organization. Why? Because after the second world war, and their release from Hitler’s concentration camps, they had no place go and they claimed that land as their land, the land they once owned then called Canaan. On the other hand, the Palestinian people claimed it to be their land because they were living on part of it from the time they descended from Lot, the brother of Abraham. There has never been peace since. The Israelites section, called the country of ‘Israel’, is blossoming as the rose, due to the fact that the Israelites are an industrious people. In contrast, the Palestinian section is desolate, and the people are dependent on subsidies from the United Nations, more specifically the United States, for their livelihood. The Palestinians exert their energy, out of hatred, by trying to disrupt and destroy the Israeli area. The Israelites believe in the God of the Old Testament and the Palestinians believe in Allah, the God of the Quran, although both groups claim Father Abraham as their ancestor. The Israelites fight to protect themselves and their land and freedom, their way of life. While the Palestinians feel that they have been deprived of their homeland. The focus of one group is peace and industry and the other is primarily to destroy Israel. Yet! Much of the civilized world is sympathetic with the Palestinians, and hate the Jews or Israelites. The Israelis are willing to peacefully negotiate but many of the Palestinians are not willing to do so. It is hard to be sympathetic when their energy is spent primarily on hatred and hateful behavior, rather than on improving their homes, their lands and their means of making a living for themselves in an industries way. Whether there will ever be a solution to that problem is a question for eternity. Yet, there are Palestinians living and working in Israel, side by side with Israelis, and they seem to get along fine.