Life has a purpose, to be able to find and to understand that purpose is man’s greatest quest. Some will ask, “What is the supreme- all inclusive goal of life? Is it wealth, power, knowledge, overcoming evil, heaven?” Someone has said that the goal, or purpose, of life is to be found within life itself. That which we all aspire to is more life- more abundant life, joy-bringing, and soul satisfying living. The scriptures tell us that, “Adam fell that men might be; men are that they might have joy.” Allen James described what happiness is and how we can secure it. He felt that all except those who have found the way of wisdom, believe that happiness is only to be obtained by the gratification of desire. That belief, however, is rooted in ignorance. In reality, most people will admit that selfishness is actually the cause of all unhappiness in the world. The problem is they believe it is someone else’s selfishness and not their own. When you come to the realization that your own unhappiness is caused by your own selfishness and not others you will be getting close to the gates of paradise. Happiness is that state of satisfaction which is joy and peace; where all desire is eliminated. The satisfaction that comes from gratified desire is brief and illusionary. Desire itself is insatiable, a desire for one thing obtained screams louder and louder for another. We ourselves are responsible for our own happiness or our own grief. Someone said that they, “Sent their soul through the invisible, some letter of that after life to spell, and by and by my soul returned to me, and whispered I myself am heaven and hell.”
Life has many ups and downs for everyone; all will suffer from time to time. We can choose to be worthy of our suffering and even learn from it or we can blame and curse. Nietzsche said, “He who has a why to live, can bear with almost any how.”
The real purpose of life is to prepare ourselves to meet God. We are part of a greater plan, a plan that was actually designed and approved in the councils of heaven. The plan was shared with all of those who wanted to take the chance. There was a risk after all, we knew that some of us wouldn’t make it back with honor. Most of us were happy, and thought the plan had merit. We also knew that a lot would be expected of us, that we would be challenged with many choices. Happiness while here would depend on those choices. Good choices would always be rewarded with blessings and the assurance that we are on the path. There is a gate that we must enter in by, If “ye have entered in by the gate ye have done according to the commandments of the Father and Son…and now ye have gotten into this straight and narrow path…ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ , having a perfect brightness of hope and a love of God and of all men, wherefore, if ye press forward feasting upon the word of Christ and endure to the end, behold ye shall have eternal life.”(Nephi 31:18) The path is the way designed and marked carefully that led to a tree. The tree was named the ‘Tree of Life’, the way to the tree was along a path with a secure iron rod. Those interested could hold onto the rod until they arrived at the tree. Of course, there were many who were not interested in being on the path, they had their own plans. All who unselfishly assisted others along the path and encouraged them to hang onto the rod, they finally made it to the tree, and were able to partake of the fruit of the tree. The fruit was delicious to the taste and very desirable. The tree was actually representative of Heaven and the fruit was representative of happiness for those who made it back. They are they who followed the plan and made good choices. That, my friends, is what the man meant who, “Sent their soul through the invisible, some letter of that after life to spell, and by and by my soul returned to me, and whispered I myself am heaven and hell.” I myself will choose my fate, the choice is mine to make. Heavenly Father forces no man. He is referencing agency and opposition in all things, without which we would we would not be free. That, my friends, is one way to describe a purposeful life.