It is indeed a dreadful thought that God, our Father, would leave us on earth with no information as to why we are here and what His plan is for us. After Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden he sought further light and knowledge from the Father. Later, Adam was commanded to keep a record for future generations. The Bible (Old Testament) was finished, somewhat as we have it today, many years before Christ. Most of the writings of the prophets before Christ were contained in that record. There were a few minor prophets whose writings have been lost or left out. However, Malachi, the last prophet, quoted in the Old Testament, died around 500 years before Christ. The New Testament was added to the Old, sometime after the printing press was invented in the 15th century. There were several translated versions of the Bible before the King James version was published in 1611 A.D. The King James version is the most popular but there are scholars around the world that prefer other versions. The New Testament represents the period of time from when Christ was on the earth to the time that the last apostle was killed. For nearly 1800 years the Heavens have been closed, there has been no new revelation, given to one who might be called a prophet, until Joseph Smith who lived in the early 19th century A.D. I’m sure that there were many good men who lived during that 1800 years but they were of the opinion that the scriptures were complete and that God had now closed the heavens.
Joseph Smith, on the other hand, had faith and a question he wanted an answer to. He was reading one day in the New Testament, The Book of James (I:5&6) that told him that, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God , that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering, …” Joseph was yet a lad and he in deed had faith. The Heavens were again opened and both the Father and the Son appeared to the young Joseph. From that occasion there have been many revelations and instructions, now comprising the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. Books and revelations that include instructions as to how to re-establish the church in these last days, with Apostles, Prophets, and Priesthood authority. The Church was organized in 1830 with the same officers and teachers as the church had when it was organized in the meridian of time under the direction of Jesus Christ, Himself.
The Dark Ages came about as a result of the Great Apostasy, and the Great Apostasy came about because men were unwilling or failed to have the faith necessary to seek light from above. Many probably thought that the church was intact and that there was no need for further light and knowledge from the heavens. So, for nearly 1800 years, the world did dwindle in unbelief and darkness because they thought they had all the scriptures necessary and that they needed no more. Revelation, enlightenment, education and learning imply the possibility of a change in people’s behavior. We ought to be molding ourselves into something better than we are, based on the ‘Good news’ and enlightenment that we have received. A man must contemplate his enormous possibilities from an eternal perspective, knowing his relationship, as a son of God, the Eternal Father. Christ himself admonished; “Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father in Heaven is perfect.”