Harry Emerson Fosdick once said that: “A constructive faith is the supreme organizer of life.” Faith, in certain organized religions, is not always constructive nor is it always an organizing influence. In this great country it was not easy, in fact, it was a very difficult struggle to separate church and state by eliminating mandatory…
Author: Emil Hanson
On Being a Valentine
Valentine’s Day has been a part of my life ever since I was a small child, as it probably has been in yours. Even before I started school, I well remember the small candy hearts with things like “I love you” written on them. After I started school, the evening before the big day, (Valentine’s…
On Seeing Things As Others See Them
We all see things through our own tinted lenses. We can’t change that but if we are aware of it, we can make adjustments by virtue of our knowledge base. The following story is a demonstration of that: “A black man entered a restaurant in Phoenix, Arizona and notices a picture hanging on the wall…
On The Poetry of Phillis Wheatley
The story below is of a young lady, praised for her brilliance, but who suffered and died in the midst of the uncaring. She, a teen prodigy, rose from American slavery. The teenage prodigy poet, Phillis Wheatley’s story is one of hope, faith, and perseverance, despite living as a slave in 18th-century America. Glenn T….
On Don’t Forget
There is a saying that used to be popular : “Never forget where you came from.” Even though some may not forget, there may be some who may not want to remember. As a grown son, my little family never made it to where my birth family lived and worked but I never forgot. My…
On The Priesthood and the World
The Priesthood is the authority of God delegated to man to act for Him in saving or in the salvation of men. It is a principal of power, of intelligence through which divine work and purposes are achieved. The Priesthood is not just for use on the earth but the Priesthood is an everlasting principal and…
On A Gratitude Jar
“People may forget what you said, or what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Being grateful and expressing that gratitude are two different things, with what could be two different and significant outcomes. To make kindnesses a big thing, at least a bigger thing than most people do, can…
On Pretending
Pretending has several connotations and some of them good, even funny, and some are an important part of growing up; others are just plain human nature for many of those of us who are a part of the human race. When I was a young child I remember my two older sisters pretending to be…
On Confidence
Every child born to this earth is born with physical, cognitive and social restrictions because of his infant state. But there is a spirit inside that child that tries, from the very beginning, to cast off his restrictions, as he is able to break away from the things that bind. Each utterance and each forward…
On The Green Deal
There is a real threat to our freedom today, the Democratic Party is moving further and further to the left, or more commonly known as socialism. There is a very strong draw for common folk to lean that way. Yet, it is the common folk who are hurt the most from such a system. They…