“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48) I have met very few perfectionists in my life, but the few that I have met had very little time for me. They were too busy with their studies, their cleaning and their striving to waste any time with…
Category: The Book of On – Volume 3
On A Little Honey
I have always known the importance of speaking to others with a soft voice and, whenever possible, to add a little honey (a compliment), if there is one handy. That is not to mean we should make one up, one that is untrue. Most people know whether they are receiving a compliment or if someone…
On Being In The Wrong Places
There are many wrong places that people can find ourselves in. We are warned to stand in Holy Places. By standing in Holy Places, we are less likely to find ourselves in any kind of trouble. Holy places are usually defined as a church, a temple, our family homes, and other places where we are…
On Collaborators
I remember during World War II reading about or hearing about those in various European Countries who collaborated with the enemy and were hated traitors to their own people. For many years, the word collaborate was a dirty word in my mind. But now, in a different time and a different context, I am beginning…
On Gleaners and Givers
I remember well, reading about the Book of Ruth in the Old Testament. We recently read the story again as a Sunday School assignment, and later we discussed it in our class. The story was about Ruth and her relationship with her mother-in-law, Naomi, but I am being drawn to think now only of the…
On Divine Leadership
I have sometimes had mixed emotions in respect to how I have felt about certain of the general authorities and other general leaders of the church. I am sure every member has a favorite or favorites that they enjoy listening to or reading their talks more than they do others. I have never felt comfortable…
On The Meaning of Life
The Dalai Lama was in Colorado just recently, and a man asked him, “What is the meaning of life?” His reply was, “The meaning of life is happiness.” Than he added that the hard question that all humans ask is “What makes happiness? Money, a big house, friends, accomplishments? Or…compassion and a good heart? President…
On Things Tender
Tender is described as things delicate, soft, or gentle, and in respect to people, it is someone who is easily moved to sympathy or compassion—kind. There are tender things that happen in our lives every day, and sometimes we don’t see them for all the commotion of the world going on around us. Too many…
On Family
There have been governments and dictatorial despots who have tried to mold the family into units that would better serve them and/or the state. Where or when food was scarce, they would limit the number of children a couple could have. They have tried to force them to live in communes where several families were…
On Love
“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you.” ( John 13:34) To love everyone, as suggested by that scripture, is to be able to see yourself, your hopes, desires, fears and your ambitions in everyone else. First compassion, then love. My granddaughter, Sarah (missionary), wrote a…