Have you ever pretended to be someone else to get information you needed or wanted? I remember laying in the hospital knowing or believing I was going to get to go home that day and yet it was sneaking up on the afternoon already and nobody had come by. I so wanted to do what…
Category: The Book of On- Volume 5
On The Lamanites Shall Blossom As The Rose
It has always been interesting to me how we can hold to one idea that caught our attention and ‘mind’s eye’ years ago, maybe as a youth. Even though it was erroneous in one or many of its precepts, we were still loyal to it and maybe even argued in its behalf. As we become…
On I’ve Been There
Jeff Reagan tells this story, “That when I was trucking through the produce aisle of the grocery store when I heard it. There was an exasperated cry from a woman ahead of me, as her purse was being overturned by the toddler seated in her cart. As her belongings poured out all over the floor,…
On The Wisdom of ‘Job’
I very much enjoy reading the back and forth discussions between Job (Old Testament) and his friends. Job was a very wise and wealthy man; a God fearing man. During Job’s time, “the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord. Satan came also among them. The Lord said unto Satan, “Whence comest…
On The Fear of Christianity, But Not of Judgement
Adult people who were not raised in a church or those who were raised with a church background but who, later, left their church and belief system, have a difficult time coming back. The reason for this is the fear of being ridiculed or shamed by friends who feel religion is a weakness or even…
On Indoctrination
Few people seem to have a clear definition of indoctrination, and thus call anything that another is teaching, indoctrination (e.g., “Leftists professors are indoctrinating their students,” “Those fundamentalist Christians are indoctrinating their kids,” or “Facebook, and, or, Twitter are indoctrinating their users.”). While indoctrination involves pushing a certain opinion, it is also much more. It…
On The Root
You’ve probably heard the saying, “The more stuff you own, the more your stuff owns you.” It’s always a great feeling to thin things out of your closet and/or garage and this might be the perfect long weekend to do it. You can try to sell all that stuff weighing you down, because it takes…
On Preparation
As a youth in the 1930’s and 1940’s, preparation never crossed my mind once. Even though it hadn’t crossed my mind either as a word or as a process, I was able to watch it happening on a day to day bases, without realizing it. We had a large family with eight children. I watched…
On The Importance of Multiplying
The “Lord God, created all things…spiritually before they were naturally upon the face of the earth…and I created all the children of men; and not yet a man to till the ground; for in heaven created I them.” (Moses 3:5) All things were created spiritually before they were created naturally. When we contemplate the significance…
On Work For The Dead
“It is for the benefit of God’s sons and daughters that, while on earth, we become acquainted with evil as well as good…. The contrasts, that we experience in this world, a world of mingled sorrow and joy are educational in nature, and they will be the means of raising all humanity to a full…