Life has a purpose, to be able to find and to understand that purpose is man’s greatest quest. Some will ask, “What is the supreme- all inclusive goal of life? Is it wealth, power, knowledge, overcoming evil, heaven?” Someone has said that the goal, or purpose, of life is to be found within life itself….
Category: The Book of On- Volume 5
On Separating the Things of Earth From the Things of Heaven
I remember a story (joke) I heard many years ago. “It seems there was a very rich man who had been diagnosed with a terminal disease. As he lay on his bed close to death he called for his wife. He instructed her to go down to the bank and withdraw all of his money…
On Doing Time
Fortunately, I have never done time, but I have had a good friend who did actually do time in prison. His name was Gene, and as a youth he was a member of a very unstable family. His parents divorced and he lived with one for awhile and then the other. His father was an…
On The Light and Life
“In the beginning was the Word,… All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. Wherefore, he is possessor of all things; for all things are subject unto him, both in heaven and on earth, the…
On And I Say to Myself
Louis Armstrong was a trumpeter, bandleader, singer, soloist, film star and comedian. He was considered one of the most influential artists in jazz history. He is known for songs like “Star Dust,” “La Vie En Rose” and “What a Wonderful World.” That was the one that I loved, “What a Wonderful World.” …
On The Social Magnets in Life That Pull on Us
My younger brother, Martin, was a poet and a philosopher of sorts. While he was serving in the U.S. Coast Guard we often exchanged thoughts via letters. His letters included poems and philosophies that were critical of the norm. He sometimes described things that he thought were wrong with families, society and life. In one…
On The Word of Wisdom
There are many words of wisdom coming from wise men all over the world. Their wisdom is directed to many different subjects but most of them are generalized in respect to how a person should conduct their lives. I can honestly say that many of them have been a positive influence on my life. Hopefully…
On Rearing Children
Rearing or raising children is not an easy task for any couple let alone a single parent. My wife and I raised six healthy and caring children, not to say there were no problems. I rather doubt that any couple raising six children could say they did so without any problems or serious concerns. If…
On Social Organizations
A few days ago I was going through some old papers of mine with the idea of getting rid of things no longer of value. I happened to read one card I used as my notes to give a talk to a sorority group on the Weber State University campus. I thought that I would…
On Leadership
I remember, even today, reading about a Frenchman, Alexis de Tocqueville, who toured early America and wrote both critically and complimentary about his experiences. About political leadership he stated: Democratically elected people’s assemblies historically have been known for their mediocrity, and the U.S. has been no different. In 1835 he observed, “I was surprised to…