Lisa Miller tells the story about a sixty one year-old woman named Janet. She lives in a small town surrounded by forest and winding highways. Janet had no history of mental illness until, about 20 years ago when she began hearing voices. ‘Little by little, one by one, the people in my life have all…
Category: The Book of On- Volume 5
On Self Respect
There are good people who feel they are just not up to par with those around them. They hold back from the group and you will always find them standing in the back behind the others. I have sometimes said, and also heard others say, when being awarded or rewarded, “I’m not worthy” and not…
On A Pleasing Personality
A pleasing personality is the aggregate of all the agreeable, gratifying, and likable qualities of any one individual. Believe in yourself-first and foremost! What you believe yourself to be, you are or you will become. The attitudes you transmit to others will tell more about yourself than the words you say or how you look….
On Giving, Taking and Sharing
Someone has said that eventually, “Everyone succumbs to finitude; we all reach that state where most ambitions are either achieved or abandoned; either way, they belong to the past. Their future changes, instead of a ladder leaning toward the goals of life, it flattens out into a perpetual present or now. We are no longer…
On Marriage
You may have heard the term, ‘Point of No Return’. Nowadays they have added two more, ‘Points of No Return’, meaning, where once a decision is made you can no longer turn back. The term was originally referring to air travel where a plane, for example, has flown out into the ocean and no longer…
On Letting Go
I think that everyone has said or done something, at some time, that they were sorry for. They were sorry as soon as it left their mouth or a short time later. I remember, not too long ago, I said something to a woman who was an acquaintance. What I said was addressed to the…
On Drifters or Driven People
We have but one life, but there are those who seemed to have lived several lives. They are the driven ones. Yes, there will be some but that’s true in every life, but the driven ones can only tolerate so much drifting. …
On Walls and More Walls
When a young man I built many walls, walls of many types and designs. They were strong and they mostly just delineated one property from a neighbor’s. A way of saying, ‘I’ll keep my grass cut on this side of the wall and you can do whatever you want on your side.’ I read recently…
On Words and Writing
No one really knows for sure who invented writing, but they put together a number of symbols that made it possible for me and everyone else to express our thoughts on paper, parchment, metal, or even stone and leather, etc. Thoughts written, even thousands of years ago, are still being translated and read. I am…
On Who Am I?
There are some who would have me believe that I am no more than a few cents worth of various chemicals. There are others who would place a much higher value on me. They would tell me that I am, ‘a son of God’. He who is the creator of this whole universe, who commissioned…