In our pre-earth existence we were spirits formed from intelligent matter through a birth process of which earthly births are patterned after. We are the offspring of a heavenly and eternal couple, and we progressed in that pre-earth state, in the presence of our parents. We were to a point of maturity where further progress…
On Understanding or Empathy
In my long life, I have heard many times; “I know how you feel.” And sometimes, a common retort might be, “No, you don’t; you can’t possibly know what I am going through.” We are all as different as we are alike, and because we are, it is very difficult, if not impossible, for one…
On Being Responsible
Youth are encouraged to become responsible people. When we are adults, the expectation is that we will act responsibly at all times. Responsible adults abide by and uphold family, social, community and national rules, laws, regulations and expectations. Aside from those more general applications, if you see yourself as the oldest, or the most capable…
On Woman
I grew up hearing men, including my father, refer to their wives as their “better half,” and after I married, I realized why. Women have a special way of seeing or looking at things that men do not. They are more patient and understanding; generally speaking, they have a sensitivity to others that many men…
On Gratitude
I am always amazed at how many things in our lives are almost always taken for granted, until we lose partial or full use of them. Why is it? Is there anything we have that is so well protected and secure that few things in the world could hurt it, maim it in any way,…
On Thought
Thought is the invisible brainwave that can be translated into distinctive human behavior or action. Even though thought is invisible to the human eye, there are some people who claim they can read another’s thought before that thought becomes action. When I was a young boy, I was sure that my mother had that capability….
On Good and Evil
From a website called Philosophy of Religion, it was stated that “God’s creation was originally good, but then the first man, Adam, sinned. As a result of this Fall, sin entered the world, and now all suffer the affliction of original sin. This doctrine is an important part of the Christian tradition: not only does it exonerate…
On No Matter How Real or On Intelligence
I am often amazed at the capacity of the human mind. If a human can think it, a human can do it, with few exceptions. The most interesting thing about that thought is the converse. Just because you can think it, doesn’t mean that you have to or should do it. Most everything that I…
On Building Character
I remember as a young thirteen year old “man,” I was a member of the Washington State National Guard. You may ask, “How were you a member of the National Guard? Doesn’t a person have to be 17 in order to become a National Guardsman?” The answer, of course, is yes, but I was not…
On Suicide
Suicide is one of the most devastating events that can happen within a family. Each member of the family may feel it was their fault. If they had only been more affectionate, more willing to listen, able to spend more time with their sister, their brother, etc. They also have to deal with the empty…