In referring to animals, I am thinking in broad brush terms to also include birds, insects etc. There are a myriad of life forms that are different from humans. It has always amazed me how like and unlike humans they are. Many of them seem to express similar, if not the same, emotions as humans….
On Courage
When I was a nineteen year old young man, I was drafted in the army during the “Korean Conflict” (not war, but conflict, as it was called). It has sometimes crossed my mind that I could have been sent to Korea and to the front lines or “The War Zone.” And, in that case, there may…
On He Knows Me
One of the most difficult concepts for most Christian people to understand is the idea that the Father of us all and His son, Jesus Christ, knows each of us individually. When we contemplate the billions of people who have and will habi- tat this earth before the end, it is absolutely mind boggling to…
On World Views
The song, “Always Look on The Bright Side of Life” was written by Monty Python and is becoming the most popular song played at funerals in this great country. Life, for many of us, is lived in a prideful way; by that I mean we are often too proud to even open a Bible or…
On The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me
I was listening to the radio on the way home from the FamilySearch Library the other evening, and Gladys Knight happened to be singing “Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me.” I have always enjoyed that song, especially the way she sang it. What a thought provoker: I have had so many best things happen…
On Being Content
Paul, the Apostle, in writing to the Hebrews suggested, “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. (Hebrews 13:5) I interpret that to mean the Lord values us, not what worldly things we have accumulated. It…
On Burdens
I remember many years ago seeing the Atlas statue where a very muscular male was portrayed with the world on his shoulders. There are people all around us who, in fact, feel like they are carrying the world around on their shoulders. The figure may be telling us that our burdens, the burdens of our…
On Angels
We have been told by our church leaders that angels are people who have passed on after having already experienced earth life themselves. These are those who are sometimes sent to earth by God to bring a message of value to whomever they were assigned to visit. Then there are those who have written books…
On Being Appreciative
I have noticed with interest over the years how many people often feel unappreciated. They feel like they are taken for granted and that what they do in a family or at work is expected. The only time that their work is mentioned is when it wasn’t done or wasn’t done just right. Spouses (husband…
On Bliss
Bliss is supposedly a state of mind or even a physical state that I’m not sure that I have ever experienced. It is supposedly a state of mind and/or body where you feel relaxed and happy. Ordinarily, I have had too many things on my mind to ever feel very relaxed mentally, and keeping myself…