Bertrand Russell once said, “Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.” I know that I am a little eccentric and others know it too. That is the only reason I expose my opinion about such a complex issue as, ‘The Origin of Man.’ When I first…
Tag: Adam
On Bad Guys In the Bible
There have always been bad guys, and there always will be bad guys, and if we were to carefully evaluate each of our lives, we may bring to remembrance a time when we might have qualified as a bad guy ourselves. Bad guys were probably not always bad guys or were not considered bad guys…
On Gender Differences
I remember as a youth, during harvest time, there were many country (farm) women working hard in the fields beside the men. For most of them, when the sun went down and they returned home from the field, their day’s work had just begun. They had to continue their day with their wifely duties, getting…
On The Thorns of Life
I remember as a youth in Minnesota running through what we called “the woods,” a rather dense stand of trees behind our house and catching my arm on a thorny vine from a blackberry patch. Not only did it wound me, but a big hooked thorn was still in my arm. I remember how it…
On His Fruits
I grew up in a north central region of this country where we enjoyed the four seasons of the year. It was a long time ago, before fresh produce was shipped all over the country. Fresh fruit in our town was only available during the harvest time. After our fall fruit harvest was over, the…
On Hard Things
When Adam and Eve transgressed and were asked to leave the Garden of Eden, I wonder if either of them had any idea what the Father was saying to them. “Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall…
On Good and Evil
From a website called Philosophy of Religion, it was stated that “God’s creation was originally good, but then the first man, Adam, sinned. As a result of this Fall, sin entered the world, and now all suffer the affliction of original sin. This doctrine is an important part of the Christian tradition: not only does it exonerate…
On Give And Take
“Giving and taking” has been the way of life for man and animals ever since Adam left the Garden of Eden. Many people, when asked to do a favor or a straight out request from another to do something for them, will do it without thinking. Those who have the mentality of “what is in…
On The Joy of Transgression
“When the winds of adversity come, remember one thing—kites fly the very highest against the wind. Kites don’t fly in spite of opposition, kites fly high because of opposition. In fact, they couldn’t fly without opposition.” —John Bytheway Would that we could all say as did Job of old, “Surely thou hast spoken in mine hearing, and I have heard…
On Assumptions
Making assumptions is probably one of the most common things we do on a daily basis, as well as one of the most dangerous. How many times a day do we act or do something based on the assumptions that we have made? Those assumptions are based on our previous experiences and knowledge or information…