Youth are encouraged to become responsible people. When we are adults, the expectation is that we will act responsibly at all times. Responsible adults abide by and uphold family, social, community and national rules, laws, regulations and expectations. Aside from those more general applications, if you see yourself as the oldest, or the most capable…
Tag: Agency
On Good and Evil
From a website called Philosophy of Religion, it was stated that “God’s creation was originally good, but then the first man, Adam, sinned. As a result of this Fall, sin entered the world, and now all suffer the affliction of original sin. This doctrine is an important part of the Christian tradition: not only does it exonerate…
On The Plan of Salvation
Many religions and philosophies teach the false doc- trine of “Predestination.” To quote from one such teaching, “God misleadeth whom He pleaseth and guideth whom he will aright.” Those who believe that, or in similar doctrine, also believe falsely that man’s life and being are directed by a controlling god. This concept makes it easy…
On The Joy of Transgression
“When the winds of adversity come, remember one thing—kites fly the very highest against the wind. Kites don’t fly in spite of opposition, kites fly high because of opposition. In fact, they couldn’t fly without opposition.” —John Bytheway Would that we could all say as did Job of old, “Surely thou hast spoken in mine hearing, and I have heard…
On Assumptions
Making assumptions is probably one of the most common things we do on a daily basis, as well as one of the most dangerous. How many times a day do we act or do something based on the assumptions that we have made? Those assumptions are based on our previous experiences and knowledge or information…
On Weathering Storms
Around this earth of ours there are areas that will experience more extreme weather than other areas. Some of these areas have weather-related tragedies that other parts of the world seldom, if ever, experience. Along the U.S. eastern seacoast, for example, they have a series of hurricanes that we never see or feel in most…
On Grading God
CNN released their Public Policy Poll last week (July 2011). They interviewed Americans regarding how they would rate God in respect to His job approval or how they feel He is doing His job. CNN is a liberal political news organization that supports big government. Regardless of the current administration’s record, they tend to publish…
On Eternal Life
Eternal Life was referred to by Shakespeare as the “undiscovered country.” I like that thought because, in fact, it is an undiscovered country. We cannot go to the National Geographic or any other travel oriented or scientific journal and see pictures and/or find an article about Eternal Life, an article describing where it is and…
On The Devil
“Do you believe in the Devil?” I have heard that question many times in my life. When I was a young child, he was sometimes talked about in the same breath as Santa Claus. One of my friends said something like this, “They ain’t no Santa Claus and they ain’t no Devil neither, because my…
On Man’s Agency
There are people of all ages who seem too timid and/or unsure of their own ability to learn skills that would enlighten their minds and make their lives so much more interesting and glorious. For example, some have had very little experience with a computer and feel that they could never learn how to operate…