I grew up hearing men, including my father, refer to their wives as their “better half,” and after I married, I realized why. Women have a special way of seeing or looking at things that men do not. They are more patient and understanding; generally speaking, they have a sensitivity to others that many men…
Tag: Attitude
On Gratitude
I am always amazed at how many things in our lives are almost always taken for granted, until we lose partial or full use of them. Why is it? Is there anything we have that is so well protected and secure that few things in the world could hurt it, maim it in any way,…
On Building Character
I remember as a young thirteen year old “man,” I was a member of the Washington State National Guard. You may ask, “How were you a member of the National Guard? Doesn’t a person have to be 17 in order to become a National Guardsman?” The answer, of course, is yes, but I was not…
On Political Prejudice
The public announcement of new temples and the candidacy of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for high political office has created a great deal of high level press exposure, some positive and some negative. Often it is not the individual or the event but the fact that it involves The…
On Normal
Most everyone wants to be perceived as normal until they find out exactly what that term means. Sometimes words don’t mean what we think they mean. Normal is perceived by most people as somewhat of an average Joe. A few of the synonyms include: commonplace, unexceptional and even ‘garden variety.’ If I were to overhear…
On Church Membership
I have talked with people who said that they believed in God but did not believe that a person had to become a member of an organized religion to be a Christian and/or a good person. Many who have that attitude feel a structured program, such as a church, is rigid and inflexible and tends…
On Optimism
Life on earth is too short to spend it with negative events, places and even negative people. Many of us work hard at maintaining an optimistic view of life; it is very much like maintaining oneself physically and spiritually. We have to nourish both in order to maintain a healthy being. Optimism, as well, has…
On Attitude
For thirty years I was an administrator at a university and it was always interesting to me to see how attitude affected members of my staff. Changes would come often because of: new technology, re-evaluating how we did things or new assignmentsfrom higher up. Staff reaction to these changes were both interesting and sometimes surprising….