Jewish belief in the Tree of Life is somewhat different than are those who are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. A branch of Judaism called the, “Tree of Life Synagogue”, as the name attests in the Torah, the Jewish destiny is a ‘Tree of Life for all those who cling…
Tag: Book of Mormon
On Joy
Nephi stated that: ‘Men are that they might have joy.’ 2 Nephi 2:25. I have sometimes thought about that scripture and what Nephi might have meant by it. I would never question Nephi’s sincerity or his intellect because Nephi is one of my favorite people in the history of the world. I am not sure…
On The Comforter
Every time a person is baptized as a new member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the ordinance usually includes a brief talk on baptism and another on the Holy Ghost. I have been asked many times to present an introductory, short talk on the Holy Ghost. These talks are meant to…
On The Book of Mormon
“If you believe in Jesus Christ, you will believe in the Book of Mormon.” That was a statement on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints website. The assumption is true, because the Book of Mormon has more references to Jesus Christ than does the Bible. Growing up I had some religious training and…
On The Lamanites Shall Blossom As The Rose
It has always been interesting to me how we can hold to one idea that caught our attention and ‘mind’s eye’ years ago, maybe as a youth. Even though it was erroneous in one or many of its precepts, we were still loyal to it and maybe even argued in its behalf. As we become…
On Moral Elevation
The following story was written by Arthur C. Brooks: “Several years ago, I visited Provo, Utah—in the heart of what its residents call “Happy Valley”—to deliver a lecture at Brigham Young University. My gracious hosts sent me home with a prodigious amount of branded souvenirs: T-shirts, mugs—you name it. The Mormons are serious about product…
On Perfection and Hope
Perfection is a hard word among those of us who know ourselves to be imperfect beings. Has there ever been a time that you haven’t wished that you were a little smarter, better looking, stronger, more ‘perfect’ in one way or another. The word perfect is used many times in the scriptures, usually in ways…
On The Importance of Every Person
I have developed the habit of trying to attract people’s attention (mostly strangers) so that I can say hello to them. Some of them look at me as if they are thinking, ‘I don’t know you, why are you talking to me?’ My wife and I are always striking up a conversation with strangers on…
On Good Without God?
Is there a possibility of good in this world without God? My answer is, Of course there is good without God. Evil has been described as the absence of God or good. There are pockets of evil wherever one goes as well as pockets of good wherever one goes. I have become acquainted with many…
On Choices
Choices are made every day, in fact probably nearly every second of every day. They range from insignificant to very important choices. As we mature the choices we made early in life, choices that may appear insignificant now, yet were choices that now have become habit. A thing we do that we don’t even think…