In leading up to the ‘most important event,’ I will first lay the groundwork. In laying the groundwork, we have to go back in history and become acquainted with, and understand what Moses’ final advice and warning was to the children of Israel before they crossed over the river Jordan and into the promised land….
Tag: Book of Mormon
On Saved By Grace
Grace, a subject many of us (humans) have a hard time understanding. It is the missing link, what we cannot do in the process of our personal salvation. We can try to be perfect in our behavior, repentant, truly repented of all of our misdeeds and, too, we could have been forgiven of all transgressions,…
On Angels Around Us
Alma, the great Book of Mormon Prophet, describes how angels have a place in our lives: “And now as I said concerning faith—faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true. And now, behold, I say unto you,…
On A Glimpse Into The Eternal
I imagine that there are many people who have asked themselves, or others, “Why am I here on this earth and what is my purpose?” There could be many ways of asking the same or similar questions. I remember one hot summer day, when I was probably about nine or ten years of age, I…
On Signs
Signs are a very important part of our lives. I remember many years ago traveling through Pennsylvania with a very short time to be at a meeting scheduled in Philadelphia. The freeway was located through what appeared to be a forest with a solid and thick stand of trees on either side. While on that…
On Satan’s Latest Tools
Several years ago some kind of Christian coalition came up with the idea that by modifying the scriptures so that they would read as modern text that they would be easier to read and better understood. Their declared purpose was to encourage more youth to read and understand the scriptures. These modern scriptures would replace…
On Testimonies
Gordon B. Hinckley said; “Let us establish in our lives the habit of reading those things which will strengthen our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. He is the pivotal figure of our theology and our faith. Every Latter-day Saint has the responsibility to know for himself or herself with…
On Unintended Consequences
I remember the first time I read the Bible; I was a young man and had just recently read the Book of Mormon and been converted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I joined the church because the spirit was so strong while I was reading the Book of Mormon. Later, as…
On Being Creative
I remember my very first term at the university; I had registered for an English Literature course along with other basic courses. I had just recently been discharged from the army and had the benefit of the GI bill, meaning that the U.S. Government was willing to partially pay for my college education because I…
On Family History
“A blind person asked St. Anthony: “Can there be anything worse than losing one’s eyesight?” He replied: “Yes, losing your vision.” In this brief thought, I’m going to try to give readers a vision of family history as a blessing of the Priesthood. “Peter was one of the greatest of men. It is true that the New Testament recounts…