Wake-up calls may have nothing to do with getting up in the morning, but rather they can come to us at any time of the day and even at anytime of our lives. They may even come at times when we need to be reminded to change course before we get ourselves in trouble or…
Tag: Children
On Being In The World
When I think about being in the world, it does not conjure up negative thoughts about how mean, cruel and diverse the world is. I rather feel that the diversity, for the most part, is good; it is how we learn to deal with all aspects of life that are going to confront us sooner…
On Confidence
Section 121 of the Doctrine and Covenants speaks of how our confidence can wax strong in the presence of the Lord. Even in the presence of our fellow beings, confidence is such an important attribute. The lack of it is often the reason we fail to do the things that would give us many of…
On Things Tender
Tender is described as things delicate, soft, or gentle, and in respect to people, it is someone who is easily moved to sympathy or compassion—kind. There are tender things that happen in our lives every day, and sometimes we don’t see them for all the commotion of the world going on around us. Too many…
On Family
There have been governments and dictatorial despots who have tried to mold the family into units that would better serve them and/or the state. Where or when food was scarce, they would limit the number of children a couple could have. They have tried to force them to live in communes where several families were…
On Trust
On the United States currency we read, “In God we trust.” There are many citizens of our country who think that statement should be removed. They have no trust in God nor faith that God had anything to do with the founding of this great nation. More of us, on the other hand, believe that…
On Writing Your Personal History
My wife and I recently saw the show, ‘Australia;’ we had heard that it was very entertaining. Going to movies is a rare occasion for us anymore, but we were glad we saw this movie. One of the very first lines spoken by the male actor made the movie worthwhile. He said: “In the end,…
On Saying No!
When little children are tired they may be irritable and through their crying say, “No!” to everything they are asked to do. Parents may become frustrated with that disagreeable performance with the results that the child may, by sensing the parents frustration, be taught that saying “No!” is not an acceptable way to behave in…
On Searching For Beauty
While having breakfast with my wife the other morning, we were looking out the window, and one of us commented on how summer is slowly turning into fall. The thought that the fall leaves with their beautiful and varied colors would soon grace our eyes is something we always look forward to. Then the leaves…