This brief summary of the terrible state of the Palestinian region is from my head and surely not accurate but rather based purely on what I have read and heard on TV. etc. The History of Israel begins with Abraham who was born sometime around 2050 B.C. Abraham was a man of great wealth. Great…
Tag: Faith
On Joy
Nephi stated that: ‘Men are that they might have joy.’ 2 Nephi 2:25. I have sometimes thought about that scripture and what Nephi might have meant by it. I would never question Nephi’s sincerity or his intellect because Nephi is one of my favorite people in the history of the world. I am not sure…
On Writing Our Personal Histories
I have written about Writing Your Personal History but my thoughts here are taking a motivational approach. It is not because the things stated before, in other writings, are less important but because there are different ways that we are stimulated and/or motivated. We all seem to look at things a little differently. I rather…
On Repetition
Repetition is one of the most common methods of learning. We have all heard the admonition to keep saying it until you know it by heart or keep doing it until you can do it without thinking about it. As a young man I was a bricklayer by trade, when I first stood on the…
On Hesitation
There are many reasons why we should hesitate to do things, especially without having carefully thought them through first. The saying; ‘He who hesitates is lost” Is oftimes fool’s advice. Many decisions we make in life should be made a matter of prayer and or careful thought. When we are pressured to move forward with…
On Auras III
The light depicted as surrounding spiritual leaders in centuries old pictures and in glass art enhancing Church Cathedral Buildings is described as auras. I have written about auras before, especially when Christ appeared to the Nephite people after His resurrection. He was described as glowing. I also believe that I have seen people testifying of…
On Forgiveness
Genuine repentance pleads with the Lord to forgive and deliver from the burden of sin and the fear of judgment. The publican who, fearful of even looking toward heaven, smote his breast and cried, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner!” (Luke 18:13). Repentance is more than changing a person’s behavior because it requires that…
On Looking Up
During a church meeting recently, the teacher asked one of our class members to describe for the class how he had learned to pray. He said that his mother had taught him when he was very young. He went on to say that she explained to him that prayer was a two-way conversation between him…
On Are Americans Losing Faith
Ben Carson, a former presidential candidate described a very troubling new survey just released by the Pew Research Center, the report found that Americans are giving up on both God and miracles. The study identifies a massive 49-percent of those surveyed as “nones,” or those who don’t identify with a religious group, they say they…
On Empathy And Eternity
This is a very difficult thought that I am attempting to put down on paper and hopefully it will never be taken in the wrong way and cause hurt and/or resentment by those who may read it. Rather, as is my intention, it will create a better understanding of the eternal nature of life and…