We each have parents, a mother and a father who brought us into this world, gave us this clay structure that houses our spirit. We are their child; they love us and care for us, often as one of several in the family. However, most of us never think about what came before the clay?…
Tag: Heavenly Father
On Empathy And Eternity
This is a very difficult thought that I am attempting to put down on paper and hopefully it will never be taken in the wrong way and cause hurt and/or resentment by those who may read it. Rather, as is my intention, it will create a better understanding of the eternal nature of life and…
On God’s Humanity
Through this short thought, I am going to ‘try’ to see us, (people), the way that God sees us. God could have adopted any title that He would like but His primary choice was ‘Father,’ God, the Father. Why would He choose that title unless He were, in some way, our actual Father. We often…
On The Most Important Message
In leading up to the ‘most important event,’ I will first lay the groundwork. In laying the groundwork, we have to go back in history and become acquainted with, and understand what Moses’ final advice and warning was to the children of Israel before they crossed over the river Jordan and into the promised land….
On Angels Around Us
Alma, the great Book of Mormon Prophet, describes how angels have a place in our lives: “And now as I said concerning faith—faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true. And now, behold, I say unto you,…
On Hear Him
Hearing has always been a problem for most people, we listen but we do not hear. Or, we hear what we want to hear and disregard the rest. One of the most important requests made to Joseph Smith by the Father during the first vision was, “This is my Beloved Son, Hear Him.” Nearly every…
On The Origin of Man
Bertrand Russell once said, “Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.” I know that I am a little eccentric and others know it too. That is the only reason I expose my opinion about such a complex issue as, ‘The Origin of Man.’ When I first…
On A Glimpse Into The Eternal
I imagine that there are many people who have asked themselves, or others, “Why am I here on this earth and what is my purpose?” There could be many ways of asking the same or similar questions. I remember one hot summer day, when I was probably about nine or ten years of age, I…
On Signs
Signs are a very important part of our lives. I remember many years ago traveling through Pennsylvania with a very short time to be at a meeting scheduled in Philadelphia. The freeway was located through what appeared to be a forest with a solid and thick stand of trees on either side. While on that…
On Memories and More Memories
There are sweet memories that bring a smile to our face even when there are no others around to share the moment. There are some that cause us to laugh out loud and draw the attention of strangers who may wonder what our private humor is all about. There are all kinds of memories, some…