“Where we came from, if one did not want to die of poverty, one became a priest or a bandit!” That quote came from the spaghetti western, The Good the Bad and the Ugly. Thank goodness that isn’t where most of us came from today. However, with H.D. (High Definition) technology, we can all be fully exposed…
Tag: Life
On The Wreck of The Edmund Fitzgerald
I remember listening to the song, “The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald” on the radio years ago, and I thought, what a haunting and yet beautiful song. Gordon Lightfoot sang it in a powerful way, and about every five or six years, I will hear it again. And again, I am haunted by that tragic…
On Let There Be Light
From the mouths of babes! “And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?” (Matthew 21:16) In Sacrament meeting, a young missionary (19 years old) spoke with the maturity of an angel. I’m going to elaborate on one of the things that…
On No Matter How Real or On Intelligence
I am often amazed at the capacity of the human mind. If a human can think it, a human can do it, with few exceptions. The most interesting thing about that thought is the converse. Just because you can think it, doesn’t mean that you have to or should do it. Most everything that I…
On Suicide
Suicide is one of the most devastating events that can happen within a family. Each member of the family may feel it was their fault. If they had only been more affectionate, more willing to listen, able to spend more time with their sister, their brother, etc. They also have to deal with the empty…
On Animals
In referring to animals, I am thinking in broad brush terms to also include birds, insects etc. There are a myriad of life forms that are different from humans. It has always amazed me how like and unlike humans they are. Many of them seem to express similar, if not the same, emotions as humans….
On He Knows Me
One of the most difficult concepts for most Christian people to understand is the idea that the Father of us all and His son, Jesus Christ, knows each of us individually. When we contemplate the billions of people who have and will habi- tat this earth before the end, it is absolutely mind boggling to…
On World Views
The song, “Always Look on The Bright Side of Life” was written by Monty Python and is becoming the most popular song played at funerals in this great country. Life, for many of us, is lived in a prideful way; by that I mean we are often too proud to even open a Bible or…
On Being Appreciative
I have noticed with interest over the years how many people often feel unappreciated. They feel like they are taken for granted and that what they do in a family or at work is expected. The only time that their work is mentioned is when it wasn’t done or wasn’t done just right. Spouses (husband…
On Bliss
Bliss is supposedly a state of mind or even a physical state that I’m not sure that I have ever experienced. It is supposedly a state of mind and/or body where you feel relaxed and happy. Ordinarily, I have had too many things on my mind to ever feel very relaxed mentally, and keeping myself…