I remember the first time I read the Bible; I was a young man and had just recently read the Book of Mormon and been converted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I joined the church because the spirit was so strong while I was reading the Book of Mormon. Later, as…
Tag: Life
On Life’s Markers
I celebrated my 81st birthday recently, and the event caused me to realize that I am actually an old man. Do I now start acting like one? Shall my body posture reflect my age, shall I stoop over appropriately and buy a gnarled cane? When I prepare for work in the morning and stand before…
On Giving It Our All
We sometimes hear the term, “I am sorry but I gave it my all, the whole nine yards.” When we hear that, we know it came from a person who probably failed the task and failed, as well, to “give it their all.” Ordinarily, a person or a group will never undertake to do something that…
On Doing It
Most everyone I have ever known has had aspirations, that is, there is something that they really wanted to do in their life. But! They could never bring themselves to take the leap, even though it was pretty obvious to those around them that they could probably do it. They were smart and talented, capable…
On Gleaners and Givers
I remember well, reading about the Book of Ruth in the Old Testament. We recently read the story again as a Sunday School assignment, and later we discussed it in our class. The story was about Ruth and her relationship with her mother-in-law, Naomi, but I am being drawn to think now only of the…
On The Meaning of Life
The Dalai Lama was in Colorado just recently, and a man asked him, “What is the meaning of life?” His reply was, “The meaning of life is happiness.” Than he added that the hard question that all humans ask is “What makes happiness? Money, a big house, friends, accomplishments? Or…compassion and a good heart? President…
On Things Tender
Tender is described as things delicate, soft, or gentle, and in respect to people, it is someone who is easily moved to sympathy or compassion—kind. There are tender things that happen in our lives every day, and sometimes we don’t see them for all the commotion of the world going on around us. Too many…
On The Plan of Salvation
Many religions and philosophies teach the false doc- trine of “Predestination.” To quote from one such teaching, “God misleadeth whom He pleaseth and guideth whom he will aright.” Those who believe that, or in similar doctrine, also believe falsely that man’s life and being are directed by a controlling god. This concept makes it easy…
On The Power of One
I have always appreciated people who are confronted with a project or even a task to do, and even though the project or task is big enough for two or more, they begin, even though there is not a second. They don’t wait for another to volunteer; a volunteer may never come along. Whether a…
On Because of Him
Many of us never take time to really think of Christ from a broader perspective than the routine and common. We know Him through Old Testament prophecy and think of Him as the one who was born of Mary, she who was His virgin mother. We may even think of the shepherds and the wise…