The “Lord God, created all things…spiritually before they were naturally upon the face of the earth…and I created all the children of men; and not yet a man to till the ground; for in heaven created I them.” (Moses 3:5) All things were created spiritually before they were created naturally. When we contemplate the significance…
Tag: Spiritual
On Spiritual Obedience
Matthew Cowley, a member of the Twelve Apostles, found a picture of a workhorse while serving a mission in New Zealand in 1918. The picture so impressed him that it hung in his office until a week before he died. Before he died he gave the picture to Elder Glen L Rudd. The following poem,…
On Moral Elevation
The following story was written by Arthur C. Brooks: “Several years ago, I visited Provo, Utah—in the heart of what its residents call “Happy Valley”—to deliver a lecture at Brigham Young University. My gracious hosts sent me home with a prodigious amount of branded souvenirs: T-shirts, mugs—you name it. The Mormons are serious about product…
On Auras III
The light depicted as surrounding spiritual leaders in centuries old pictures and in glass art enhancing Church Cathedral Buildings is described as auras. I have written about auras before, especially when Christ appeared to the Nephite people after His resurrection. He was described as glowing. I also believe that I have seen people testifying of…
On The Basics
There are really four basic or primary areas that a person needs to develop in order to fit into society and interact with other human beings. They include developing strength or proficiency in the areas of our: physical, social, mental and spiritual attributes. All four of those are mentioned by St. Luke in Describing how…
On Creating Oneself
Youth emerge from their infancy pretty much instinctively. With encouragement from parents and other siblings we learn to walk and talk and begin to ‘become,’ with very little or no conscious thought to the process. Yes, we express pride with a gleeful smile or laugh when we can first run and stay upright but it…
On Who’s Watching Me
A spiritual master once gave a hen to each of his two students and said, ‘Take them to a spot where you can kill them without anyone seeing you.’ The first disciple walked out and hiding behind a bush, he looked around and made sure that no one was watching. He then killed the hen…
On The Importance of Every Person
I have developed the habit of trying to attract people’s attention (mostly strangers) so that I can say hello to them. Some of them look at me as if they are thinking, ‘I don’t know you, why are you talking to me?’ My wife and I are always striking up a conversation with strangers on…
On Good Without God?
Is there a possibility of good in this world without God? My answer is, Of course there is good without God. Evil has been described as the absence of God or good. There are pockets of evil wherever one goes as well as pockets of good wherever one goes. I have become acquainted with many…
On A Glimpse Into The Eternal
I imagine that there are many people who have asked themselves, or others, “Why am I here on this earth and what is my purpose?” There could be many ways of asking the same or similar questions. I remember one hot summer day, when I was probably about nine or ten years of age, I…