This very day, the day that I am writing this thought, is the Fourth of July, 2015. It is approximately 239 years from the time we officially declared our independence from British rule in the United States. As I was collecting my thoughts, jets flew over our town from a nearby Air Force base. That…
Tag: Spiritual
On Their Being With Us
Sitting in Sacrament Meeting one Sabbath Day and contemplating the Sacrament Prayer, the following words, that I have heard hundreds of times, just seemed to reach out to my mind, “…this do: that they may have His spirit to be with them.” I pondered those words for a few minutes, thinking about what that might…
On Optimism
Life on earth is too short to spend it with negative events, places and even negative people. Many of us work hard at maintaining an optimistic view of life; it is very much like maintaining oneself physically and spiritually. We have to nourish all three in order to maintain a healthy being. We feed optimism…
On Opposition Within
Within each human being there is the potential for good and ill, opposing forces that sometimes feel like they could pull us apart. Of all the wars in history, none are so violent as those that are ‘civil’ wars. The Wars that rage within each of us, from time to time is like a ‘civil’…
On Seeing Through a Glass Darkly
Paul speaking to the Corinthians said, “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” (1 Corinthians 13:12) This basically means that whilst on this earth we can only have a poor glimpse of the…
On Uniqueness
It has always amazed me to think of all the ways we, as individuals, are the same and yet so very different. When I am able to sit down at night and relax a little I enjoy watching the CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) shows on TV. Though I realize that they take license with much…
On Church Growth
A recent church news section had an interesting article about the growth of the Church compared to other Christian denominations in the United States. In the last decade, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been the fastest growing church in the country (based on converts) and is currently the 6th largest Christian…
On Personal Histories
One of my Great G. G. Grandfathers, John Sayer, born 1750, was a relatively famous fur trader and a partner in the Northwest Fur Company of Montreal, Canada. There are pieces of information about him in a dozen or more history books in Canada and Minnesota but oh, how I would love to be able…