William Jennings Bryan probably explained death and its purpose best when he said, “Because of the fall- death has come to be the universal heritage; it may claim its victims in infancy or youth, in the period of life’s prime, or its summons may be deferred until the snows of age have gathered upon the…
Tag: Wife
On Marriage
You may have heard the term, ‘Point of No Return’. Nowadays they have added two more, ‘Points of No Return’, meaning, where once a decision is made you can no longer turn back. The term was originally referring to air travel where a plane, for example, has flown out into the ocean and no longer…
On The Values of Family
Glenn T. Stanton of the Pew Research Center Reported; “On where do Americans find most meaning in life”? The answer to this question is perhaps the greatest indicator of the kind of people we are, individually and collectively. It also telegraphs the kind of nation we are. Therefore, the answers from Americans’ on this topic,…
On Tolerance
It has, sometimes, been an interesting observation of mine that when someone doesn’t believe my story, my argument, etc., they are intolerant. When I don’t believe theirs it’s either because they were lying or misunderstood the issue. Joshua Liebman said that: “Tolerance is the positive and cordial effort to understand another’s beliefs, practices and habits without…
On Listen To this!
Our attention span is sometimes shorter than we or especially other’s may like. When our eyes start closing while another is talking to us about a problem they are having, that is a fairly obvious piece of evidence to them that we are not too sympathetic to their problem or interests. We essentially convict ourselves…
On Traveling
My wife and I have never been world travelers nor have we traveled frequently either. However, when we have had an opportunity to see new places and meet new people we have always enjoyed ourselves. We especially love people, for wherever we go we enjoy exchanging small talk with the local’s. Humor, is an international…
On Sunflowers
Planting Flowers in the Right Place Submitted by Danny Wakefield “Last night I bought a sunflower to put on the windshield of someone I’m smitten with. After some consideration I decided not to, since we had only been on one date, the night previous. I didn’t want to come off too strong, right? Anyway, I…
On God’s Pay
I express my gratitude daily for all of the good people who serve and have served as volunteers at the FamilySearch Library. We often laugh as people express their pay grade or say, “The pay is out of this world.” The following poem is often quoted as well; “Who does God’s work will get God’s…
On Indifference
Napoleon was involved in a conversation with a colonel of a Hungarian battalion who had been taken prisoner in Italy. The colonel mentioned he had fought in the army of Maria Theresa. “You must have a few years under your belt!” exclaimed Napoleon. “I’m sure I’ve lived sixty or seventy years,” replied the colonel. “You…
On Love By Service
It is interesting to me how one who is shown love returns that love to the one who loved. There is a story that I have always enjoyed and I have wanted to share it because it has such a great moral to it. It is a ‘Once Upon A Time’ story that starts out…