My sweetheart and I have been together as man and wife for over 61 years, and we both know that our time on earth is drawing near the end. We must know unconsciously, as well, because we tend to say more often, “I love you” and we hug a little longer after prayer each night….
Tag: Wife
On Being A Guide
I enjoyed reading the following story several years ago. It was written in the first person so I assumed the author was writing about his own neighbor’s animals. “Just up the road from my home is a field, with two horses in it. From a distance, each horse looks like any other horse. But if you…
On Mating
Boyd K. Packer stated in a talk years ago titled “The Plan of Happiness,” ideally, mating begins with romance. Though customs may vary, it flourishes with all the storybook feelings of excitement and anticipation, even sometimes rejection. There are moonlight and roses, love letters, love songs, poetry, the holding of hands, and other expressions of…
On Women’s Rights
Traditionally there have been designated, but unwritten responsibilities for both men and women in most every society. An unwritten but customary division of labor, what one might say, were somewhat natural divisions. Women having been considered the weaker sex were (assigned) to those household tasks considered to be more delicate and suited to their level…
On Love (A Valentine Message)
“Love one another; as I have loved you.” ( John 13:34) To love everyone, as suggested by that scripture, is to be able to see yourself, your hopes, desires, fears and your ambitions in the lives of everyone around you. My granddaughter, Sarah (a recently returned missionary) in one of her letter’s home wrote a…
On Johnny Lingo
Johnny lingo was the name of a short film shown in Sunday School classes many years ago. Now a new version has been made on video. The new version was recently played again for us during a church meeting. I don’t believe that I will ever forget that very important message of being an eight…
On Being Practical
“One day I am going to etc. etc. etc.” Have you ever heard that statement come out of your own mouth? I am guilty; I have probably said that many times about different things I wanted to make, places I wanted to see, mountains I wanted to climb (figuratively speaking). But, if I have followed…
On Woman
I grew up hearing men, including my father, refer to their wives as their “better half,” and after I married, I realized why. Women have a special way of seeing or looking at things that men do not. They are more patient and understanding; generally speaking, they have a sensitivity to others that many men…
On Being Appreciative
I have noticed with interest over the years how many people often feel unappreciated. They feel like they are taken for granted and that what they do in a family or at work is expected. The only time that their work is mentioned is when it wasn’t done or wasn’t done just right. Spouses (husband…
On The Power of Storytelling
The Church has always emphasized the importance of the family unit. And every member of each and every family has lived a life worth remembering, not just the family patriarch, whose story is often the only one written. Elder Dennis C. Brimhall said, “Every person who has ever lived has a right to be remembered…