I remember many years ago seeing the Atlas statue where a very muscular male was portrayed with the world on his shoulders. There are people all around us who, in fact, feel like they are carrying the world around on their shoulders. The figure may be telling us that our burdens, the burdens of our…
Tag: Work
On Being Appreciative
I have noticed with interest over the years how many people often feel unappreciated. They feel like they are taken for granted and that what they do in a family or at work is expected. The only time that their work is mentioned is when it wasn’t done or wasn’t done just right. Spouses (husband…
On Bliss
Bliss is supposedly a state of mind or even a physical state that I’m not sure that I have ever experienced. It is supposedly a state of mind and/or body where you feel relaxed and happy. Ordinarily, I have had too many things on my mind to ever feel very relaxed mentally, and keeping myself…
On Family
There have been governments and dictatorial despots who have tried to mold the family into units that would better serve them and/or the state. Where or when food was scarce, they would limit the number of children a couple could have. They have tried to force them to live in communes where several families were…
On Work Horses
Bishop J. Richard Clarke stated that, “Work is a blessing from God. It is a fundamental principle of salvation, both spiritual and temporal. When Adam was driven from his garden home, he was told that his bread must be produced by his physical toil, by the sweat of his brow. Note carefully the words: “Cursed…
On Gainsayers
Gainsayer is a strange word that a person may only run across in the scriptures, but yet it has a meaning that could commonly apply to our modern society. The definition describes a gainsaying person as one who is disagreeable and always taking issue with every point that is made. A gainsayer manipulates others and…
On Burdens
I remember many years ago seeing the Atlas statue where a very muscular male was portrayed with the world on his shoulders. There are people all around us who, in fact, feel like they are carrying the world around on their shoulders. The figure may be telling us that our burdens, the burdens of our…
On Cycles of Human Nature
The Book of Mormon is replete with cautions as to what happens to a people who, because of good fortune or their own diligence, become affluent. It seems to be human nature that once we become wealthy or suppose we have more than others, our nature begins to change. We tend to evolve from the humble, a…