Jeff Reagan is the founder of the ‘Patriot Health Alliance’ and he writes an interesting article: He said that, “Last week, Karen and I were volunteering at our favorite dog rescue, Harlequin Haven. They have this beautiful plot of land out in Bethel, Ohio where the dogs can run around and wrestle while they wait for…
Tag: World
On Hesitation
There are many reasons why we should hesitate to do things, especially without having carefully thought them through first. The saying; ‘He who hesitates is lost” Is oftimes fool’s advice. Many decisions we make in life should be made a matter of prayer and or careful thought. When we are pressured to move forward with…
On One Day At A Time
People experiencing a tragic event in their family often get advice from friends and others, suggesting that things will get better, just take one day at a time. I was watching ‘CSI Miami’ the other night, and Horatio Caine (the star) said to a woman after experiencing a tragic event, “One day at a time…
On Trees
I have always loved trees, from the joy of climbing them as a youth to the joy of planting them and watching them grow as a man. I have some favorites but they all make me say to myself, what a beautiful green color. Once in awhile I will see a tree that has been…
On The Gathering
We are nearing the month when we commonly celebrate our pioneers who, in July of 1847, began to gather themselves into a very desolate Salt Lake Valley. They hoped to make it blossom as a rose. Are there any in our day that can say that they did not succeed? Moses speaking to the Israelites,…
On Straight Paths
Straight lines are easier to draw than straight paths are to walk. When we are trying to walk straight there are always obstacles in the path that will cause us to slow down, stop and sometimes go around or jump over from time to time. A similar term frequently used in relation to The Church…
On Intelligence, Spirit, Soul and Man
All religions would most likely agree that God, the Father of us all, is all-powerful, most intelligent as well as eternal. Meaning He had no beginning and He has no end. If I were to say that about man, that he too, has always existed, there would be much opposition to such a statement. Doesn’t…
On The Wonders Of The World
When I was young and I first heard or read about the seven wonders of the world, including the Grand Canyon, I knew I had to see it one day. When we were a young family, it wasn’t very far from where we lived at the time. So one summer we decided that we were…
On Human Dignity
People and nations that have been enlightened by scriptures and the teachings of the Savior of mankind, have a different perspective in regards to human dignity, than do many without that orientation. Even though, as a believer myself, my ire can still be raised when I see cruelty or ‘mean.’ Generally compassion and tenderness is…
On Woe
WOE is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is used to express various feelings depending on the circumstance. It is used most frequently when expressing surprise, such as “Woe!” WOE means “What On Earth” i.e., What are you doing there my friend? Or, it can express great sorrow or distress. Have you never had a…